Ahab spoke to Naboth,
saying, 'Give me your
vineyard, that I may
have it for a vegetable
garden, because it is
near, next to my house,
and for it I will give
you a vineyard better
than it. Or, if it seems
good to you, I will
give you its worth in
money. "
(1 Kings 21:2)
had his reasons for
not letting go of his
property (See 1 Kings
21:3) and it was a Godly
reason, yet Ahab (did
I forget to mention
that he was King of
Israel?) had everything.
He was King for goodness
sake, he had wealth,
power, prestige, respect,
servants that catered
to him hand and foot,
yet he didn't have the
vineyard next door to
him that he wanted to
turn into a turnip garden
goes to the owner fully
expecting him to turn
it over, he was King
after all, who would
surely withhold and
deny his request (demand?).
Naboth couldn't disobey
God and says no and
little Ahab slinks away
and starts pouting and
whimpering, feeling
sorry for himself. His
wife sees his temper
tantrum and hears his
story and engineers
a devious lie that causes
Naboth to be falsely
accused of blasphemy
whereby he was taken
out and stoned to death.
Ahab moved in the next
moral: Don't become
a vegetarian? When the
King comes a calling,
don't answer?
God no matter what because
life is more than where
we live, what we wear,
how much money we have
in the bank, the number
of cars in our driveway,
the homes we pay taxes
on. Today a customer
came in and mentioned
that his neighbour was
selling his cottage.
I should say his estate
wants to sell the cottage
as the neighbour, owner
of a home here, one
in Italy, one in Florida
and the cottage, died
suddenly of an aneurysm
and didn't need the
cottage anymore.
go his just reward for
his recently acquired
vineyard (See 1 Kings
Chapter 22).
in the Lord Always!